
I crave excitement. I want to challenge myself. That's been the driving force behind my career journey.

Hello, this is Akaiwa from the Corporate Planning Division. This time, I had the opportunity to speak with Mr. Tanaka, who is working as an Engineering Manager within 'menu'. Starting his career in interior design, Mr. Tanaka later transitioned into engineering. Leveraging his strong communication skills, he excels in team management and negotiations with stakeholders. Mr. Tanaka shared with us his career journey, the satisfaction he finds in his work, and the differences between game development and product development, all driven by his continuous search for challenging environments. His insights would be valuable not only to engineers but also to those aspiring to transition into engineering from other fields. Please take a moment to read his story.

Shu Tanaka Engineering Manager, Menu Business Division, menu

Shu Tanaka has pursued a career as an engineer, working in industries such as interior design, SES companies, and smartphone game app development firms. In 2018, he joined his current position after being approached by his former boss, Mr. Niwa (currently the CTO of Reazon Holdings). Initially involved in the development and operation of the quiz live app "PonQ," he later transferred to the development department of "Menu." Currently serving as an Engineering Manager, he oversees a team of approximately 20 engineers, engaging in negotiations with stakeholders and managing team members.

On the topic of transitioning from being inexperienced to a career in engineering, and stepping up in the field.


Please tell us about your career history, Mr. Tanaka.


After graduating from a general high school, I enrolled in a sign language interpretation school but dropped out midway. At that time, I didn't have a particular goal in mind, so I helped out with my family's interior design business for about two years, doing tasks like wallpapering. During this time, a friend I met through amateur soccer asked me if I was interested in becoming an engineer and invited me to join an SES company. I had always enjoyed simple video editing on computers, so I became interested. However, I hilariously failed the entrance exam for that company (laughs). Later, another friend introduced me to a local SES company, where I started working.


You've honed your skills at various companies. Why did you decide to transition to Reazon?


The trigger was when my admired former boss, Mr. Niwa, transferred to Reazon. At that time, I had become accustomed to the work I was doing and felt the urge to broaden my horizons and challenge myself further. Seeing how my former boss encouraged me to take on various challenges and witnessing his excitement after joining Reazon convinced me that I could enjoy working there. Reazon seemed like a place where I could have fun working.

On the topic of achieving success in management fueled by the frustration of service termination


You aimed for an environment where you could challenge yourself! After joining Reazon, what kind of work did you take on?


Right after joining, I was in charge of developing a live quiz app called "PonQ." It was a service where we streamed quizzes in real-time, users would answer them, and we'd draw winners from those who answered correctly to give away local products. Besides implementing the app, I also created quiz questions, managed team tasks, dressed up as characters for live streaming, so it was a busy time as I had hoped for (laughs).

However, the service ended due to my lack of ability and the end of the boom. At that time, I strongly felt that results mattered, and I reflected on the importance of voicing my opinions and encouraging team members to take action. It was a learning experience that contributed to my growth.


It's through such disappointments that we grow. Can you tell us about the work you're currently doing?


I'm in charge of service development for "Menu." I manage a team of about 20 people, focusing on maximizing team output through task management and evaluation. I receive requests for new feature additions and bug fixes from various departments, turn them into tasks, and work to release as many as possible within about a month. Additionally, I propose and implement improvements based on my insights as an engineer, such as improving system response times and accumulating data for user behavior analysis.


You've been involved in game development for many years. What differences do you feel between game development and "menu"?


In terms of implementation like programming, there wasn't a significant difference, but I was initially surprised by the number of stakeholders. Menu involves many people, including stores, users, delivery drivers, sales, and operations, so I realized that communication skills to listen to people's opinions and summarize them to make decisions are more important than engineering skills.

"Helping beloved colleagues" - That's the driving force behind work


It seems like the range of people you interact with has expanded. Could you tell us about the satisfaction you find in your current job?


To be honest, I find it more enjoyable to implement things hands-on, but experiencing management and seeing team members contribute to clients and seeing their happiness is something I appreciate. While the joy of users using the app is significant, the joy of seeing the smiles of colleagues whom I know well and their personalities is even greater. When colleagues are praised in casual conversations within the company, like 'You've been working hard lately, haven't you, Mr. X?' I feel happy seeing everyone's growth. Because I love my colleagues at Reason, my motivation for work comes from wanting to help everyone in the team.


It's a lovely story, "being able to work hard because you want to help people you love." Are there any specific aspects of management that you're conscious of?


When something happens, I consciously trust and delegate to my team members instead of intervening or taking over myself. Even if I think I can do something faster, it's essential to let my team members try it once to support their growth. Even if I think intervening would solve the problem, I try to observe and support my team members at the appropriate timing after watching their discussions and actions. Also, when summarizing opinions, I make sure to respect not only one person's opinion but also listen to everyone's input to reach the best solution. If my team members grow into capable individuals, I believe I'll be able to pursue other things, so I want to further elevate the team's skill level.


Conversely, are there any management challenges you're facing?


Managing about 20 team members alone can be challenging as I can't deeply involve myself with each one individually. However, we've organized the team structure and appointed two reliable senior members to assist in management, so I believe we can divide the commitment points and delve deeper in the future. I also want to absorb a wide range of knowledge to enhance my management skills.

Being natural and continuously sought after by others


Please tell us what you think is great about Reason.


I think the greatness of Reason lies in constantly providing an environment for challenges and allowing me to feel my growth year by year. Since joining, I've continued to have expectations like, "I wonder if I can work on something new next year," and have been able to enjoy stimulating days. Moreover, because many people are sincerely working hard, I genuinely feel that I want to contribute where I can. Especially, the higher-ups seem to enjoy their work so much that it makes me think that work is their hobby. There's a strong sense of solidarity with those who have faced hardships together, and I find it very enjoyable to solve various issues with such comrades.


Your progression through your career is inspiring!

You joined Reason in 2018, when the company was rapidly expanding. Have you noticed any recent changes?


When I was assigned to the Menu business, we had a highly talented small team that continuously improved features in a short span through PDCA cycles. Recently, the scale has increased, and we've welcomed many young members. With more people, it's challenging for everyone to approach things from the same perspective, so I believe management skills are becoming more critical. I want to support the team members further to aim for even better service quality and development.


Finally, please share your future goals with us!


I want to further refine my communication and management skills to become someone who can handle projects with communication challenges smoothly. I feel that Menu's product involves a multitude of stakeholders and is an unprecedentedly complex service. If I can manage this service well, I believe my skills will be applicable anywhere. However, I'm not the type to deeply contemplate my future career; I perceive the future as uncertain. I hope to work naturally, solve immediate challenges, and be relied upon by people who need me as a result."


We are looking forward to what you have in store for us! Thank you for your time.


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