Searching for what you really want to do, and going from part-time work to a managerial position. I aim for a workplace where I can work with excitement and enjoyment.
Hello, this is Akaiwa from the Corporate Planning Division. This time, we had the opportunity to speak with Nishimizu from the Social Games Business Unit. Nishimizu, who quit his job as an infrastructure engineer and joined Reazon as a part-timer, is now actively working as a manager within his department. He spoke to us about his experience of continuously searching for what he really wants to do, his memorable episodes at work, and his ideal management style. This content is recommended for those who are considering working in the game industry or searching for a job that suits them perfectly, so please take a read.
Kosuke Nishimizu Manager, Social Games Business Unit, Rudel Co., Ltd.
Kosuke Nishimizu graduated from Nagoya University of Foreign Studies. After studying abroad in the United States, he came to Tokyo for a long-term internship during an extended vacation. Before graduating, he started working as a freelance salesperson for communication lines.
In September 2019, Nishimizu was invited by a friend from university to work at Reazon. At first, he was assigned to the sales team for "menu". In December 2019, he transferred to the Social Games Business Unit and started getting involved in game operations despite having no prior experience.
To realize my dream, I quit my full-time job and joined as a part-time worker.

First, please tell us about your career up to joining Reazon.
I studied in the engineering department at university, but I couldn't find what I really wanted to do. So, I decided to leave in my second year and explore what I wanted to do in society. From 2020, I worked as an infrastructure engineer at a company in Osaka, responsible for server operations and maintenance of applications used by an automotive manufacturer group. However, I still had vague anxieties like "Is this really what I want to do?" and "Where will I be in 10 years?". When I thought deeply about what I truly wanted to do, I realized I wanted to work with games, something I've loved since I was young. That's when I decided to switch careers to a game company.

So you were searching for what you really wanted to do.
Yes. I wanted to work on something that excited me, something I could genuinely enjoy. I've been a fan of social games since high school and played popular titles across various genres. I felt that working in the game industry would allow me to work with excitement, so when I saw Reazon recruiting inexperienced people, I joined as a part-time worker in January 2022.

Were you not anxious about moving from a full-time position to a part-time job?
Not particularly. Even if my income decreased, my desire to do what I love and work with excitement was stronger.

So you took the challenge to realize your dream! How has it been since you joined?
Before joining, I felt like I was just passing time each day, living without any particular goals. But since switching to Reazon, each day has been fulfilling. I've been able to experience days filled with achievements, working with teammates towards goals. Joining Reazon has truly been a turning point in my life.

You finally found what you wanted to do! What kind of work did you do during your part-time job?
As an assistant game planner, I was involved in creating gacha data and character appeal pages. Since I started playing the title after joining, I could suggest improvements from a customer's perspective. For example, the shop selling avatar clothing wasn't originally themed, but I proposed and implemented themes like "This month, we're selling devil-themed clothes," and customers were pleased with the consistent series, which led to increased sales.
The spirit for "Challenge" was recognized, and stepping up to the managerial level.
You became a full-time employee in August 2022 after starting as a part-time worker. What do you feel was appreciated about your performance?
I believe I was recognized for reliably completing assigned tasks and actively making additional suggestions. It was an environment where I could immediately communicate my ideas to seniors and bosses, so I would propose improvements as they came to mind and see them through to implementation.
You were recognized for your proactive approach in achieving results. Since February 2024, you've been active as a manager in the game operations team. What responsibilities do you handle?
I oversee game operations such as data creation, web page updates, planning gachas and events, and improving KPIs. My goal is to create an environment where team members can work comfortably and freely express their opinions. Valuing the idea of "doing what you love," I allocate tasks to allow team members to focus on their strengths. I also ensure that even small ideas from team members are implemented and contribute to achieving results.

When do you feel the most satisfaction in your work?
Improving the gaming experience for thousands, even tens of thousands, of customers is rewarding. Having wide discretion, I find satisfaction in implementing ideas I've conceived in the game. Being able to freely propose ideas and swiftly bring them to life, and aiming towards the goal of making the game better, it really motivates the whole team to strive together.
It sounds like an environment where everyone is focused and enthusiastic about their work! Are there specific efforts you're making to empower your team members?
Through one-on-one meetings, I listen to each member's strengths, areas of interest, and current challenges. I set goals like "I want you to grow in this way over the next year," and encourage them to approach their current tasks as if they were already one level higher. This perspective shift broadens their horizons and changes their perspective, enhancing their motivation to work joyfully. Having the mindset of a higher level brings more possibilities and autonomy, accelerating their growth. I firmly believe this awareness contributes to a motivated and enjoyable work environment.
We released a large collaboration and shared the joy with team members.
Next, please share a memorable work episode with us.
One memorable episode was the large collaboration we conducted in January 2024 with a hugely popular anime series that was airing at the time. I had originally proposed to the promotions department that I wanted to collaborate with this title, which I loved from its manga days, before its anime adaptation was confirmed. The collaboration came to fruition just as the anime was being produced. We collaborated closely with the promotions and design departments, spending over six months discussing how we could ensure our customers enjoyed the collaboration. As a result, we achieved record-breaking sales for my title, and shared the joy with my team members.
It must have been very rewarding to achieve results through a collaboration with a beloved work! What was particularly challenging about this collaboration?
While working on immediate improvement measures, preparing for the release six months later was particularly challenging. With large collaborations, we anticipated a significant influx of new customers. Therefore, we made extensive changes such as incorporating manga characters into the game's tutorial and completely revamping the scenario, to effectively attract and accommodate our customers. We also focused on team management, sharing progress using workload management sheets to ensure everyone was informed of each other's tasks. This created an environment where team members could mutually motivate each other, thinking, "If this person is doing so much, I should work harder too."

Being aware of each other's progress allows for mutual assistance as needed! How did your team members react after the release?
They were delighted and really felt the satisfaction and sense of achievement from the fact that many customers enjoyed the collaboration. I genuinely believe it was wonderful that we could successfully release it with everyone's effort, and I would be happy if this experience could provide energy for our next project.
I want to continue the challenge from the perspective of the next higher layer

It seems like everyone was very happy with the results! On the other hand, is there anything that Nishimizu-san is currently struggling with?
As this is my first time in management, I am constantly struggling with the question of what makes the working environment comfortable for each team member and how can I realize that. I talk regularly with team members and try to use their help in trial and error.

What do you think are some characteristics for a good manager?
I admire charismatic managers who can show me the right path when I'm lost. I want them to be someone who can give back 10 responses when I ask one question and broaden my horizons, and someone who can increase my motivation. In order to create a good team, I am trying to consciously develop member's spontaneity by telling them "You can change this game as you like" during 1-on-1 meetings. My ideal team image is where each team member does what they like and achieves a greater goal. Team members have a solid grasp of the game and have ideas such as "This is better" or "It will be even better with this added.” I want to encourage them to challenge themselves in order to realize these ideas.

A manager who supports challenges and guides team members in the right direction is dependable! Now, could you tell us about the strength of Reazon that you feel?
I believe it is the fact that we operate a variety of new businesses with a sense of speed under the vision of "becoming the world's number one company," and that many employees are working seriously to achieve high goals. The social game business unit has a wide range of discretion, and provides an environment where you can achieve what you want and see results immediately. By working in such an environment, I feel powerful motivation towards my work.

Finally, could you tell us about your future goals?
Nishimizu: I want to work hard on my daily tasks while having a perspective from one level higher that supervises multiple titles, not just as a manager. When one becomes one level higher, they are required to manage the overall goals while leaving detailed goal management to team members and managing team motivation. I want to find my own optimal solution through trial and error, support my team members in responsible work, and create an environment where it is exciting and enjoyable to work. Also, it is one of my dreams to create a representative work for Reazon, and further increase the company's name recognition. By doing so, we can deliver even more value to customers, gain benefits from having more new colleagues to work with, and lead to better game development.
I look forward to the day when more and more people will love Reazon social games!
Thank you very much for your valuable talk today!
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